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2018/2019 We've had an amazing year.

As we come to the end of the academic year, we’d like to celebrate with you the events we’ve organised this year, money raised and how that money has been spent by the school for the benefit of our children. 

Events - Sept18 to July19

Nov18  Quiz Night  fun night for parents and teachers held in the school hall, fish & chips dinner - raised £1,100 

Dec18  Christmas Bazaar & raffle  much loved annual event for the children - raised £1,700 

Feb19  Scottish Ceilidh  fun night of dancing for parents in the town hall - raised £1,250

Mar19  Easter Bingo  bingo, chocolate eggs and easter bonnet competition for the children - raised £1,200

May19 Trinity Music Night beautiful night of singing in Trinity Church with Elysium (Annalise and Ceri) - raised £300

Jun19  Sport Day After Party beat the goalie, bouncy castle, zorbing, BBQ and lots more - raised £1,400

July19  Camp Out at Nettlebed school walled garden, lots of fun for parents and children - raised £1,200

Weekly cake sales - raised approx £2500 across the year

Uniform sales - a big Thank You to Kirsty Chater and Kallie Shepard for running the uniform sales every term for many years now!  So many parents appreciate what you guys do and not only is it good for the environment but the last sale alone raised an amazing £300 - thank you for organising and storing the uniforms at your houses….

Sponsorship from Penny & Sinclair through the May Fayre sign boards - raised approx £1000

Through your support of all these events, we’ve been able to make a profit for the school of approx £12k this academic year. 

Projects funded by FOTS during the year 

Using funds raised during the year plus cash we already had in the bank, we’ve been able to pay for the following items for the school this year: 

£2,200 on classroom pledges - £200 given to each class teacher across the 11 classes to spend as they wish. Examples of items purchased include craft items, jigsaw puzzles, magazine subscriptions, books, board games 

£3,500 on iPads for the foundation stage unit (prior year FY1819 £7,600 was spent by FOTS on chrome books for KS1 and KS2) £1,400 on 2 ovens and 2 hobs for the science lab

£4,500 on new AV system for the hall 

£1,000 on ukuleles £460 on Year 6 leavers book

£500 on Skinny Jeans Gardener who came into school and worked with the upper school during food festival week £200 towards the new outdoor reading circle

£500 commitment to upkeep of forest school (items requested, to be purchased early in next academic year) and finally FOTS have committed to spend

£3000 on new scooter and bike pods for the lower playground. These should be installed during the summer holidays. 

Total spend during FY1819 of approx £17,500 

Thanks so much for all your support again this year. 

If you would like to join us next year to help organise events or be part of the FOTS committee please come along to our next meeting in September.  The best way to stay up to date is to join our mailing list - please do so visit and sign up today.

See you in September!

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