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FOTS AGM | Tuesday 22nd November 2022 | The Anchor


Nicola Nott

Jemma Meehan

Mary Harvey

Sarah Gilbert

Gemma Grange

Ali Gyoker

Nina Davison

Alex clarke

Max Wall

Bekki Wedd

Lisa Tomkins


1. Treasurer's Report:

For 2021 - 2022 accounts, refer to the treasurer's report.

Start of 2022 position:

At the beginning of term the bank account was at £24k

Spend so far - £19,556

Left in bank- Approx £4,5K

Money due in from Halloween Disco and Penny & Sinclair which leaves us with around £7k in the bank account

Requested commitments at this meeting:

  • From Miss Hart - she’s requested a £300 donation to help pay towards transport for getting the school choir to the O2. Cost is £850. She’s asking for £10 donation per child from parents, plus will do some fundraising, intending to make £500. FOTS have pledged the £300 but suggest that Miss Hart asks the parents of attending children for a bigger donation. Will make clear this is not going down as an annual commitment.

Suggested playground bucket collection from parents if children do singing concert.

  • Alex Clarke - suggested a donation from FOTS towards some sort of Christmas bonus/gesture/gift. Currently the Governors self fund donations which doesn’t go very far. General consensus is that it doesn't fit with the intention of the charity adding benefit directly for the children plus parents already give generously towards Christmas gifts, so it would be inappropriate to do extra fundraising specifically for this. We also have limited funds in the FOTS account. Agreed on £150 as a gesture. Money to go to Duncan Carter.

Lisa suggested one cake sale donation to fund this as an option also.

Note on Microsoft match funding: Microsoft have changed the way they match find. If we wish to do this in the future, the Microsoft employee needs a personal Just Giving Page and we need to filter all finds through this in order to match it. Orlando keen to arrange personal fundraising event to enable Trinity to benefit from this.

Mary is to give Alex C log-in details to the School Fund.

2. Committee Updates

Chair - Nicola Nott to step down as Chair after 3 years. Nominated replacement is Gemma Grange. Unanimous vote for Gemma

Secretary - Jemma Meehan to step down as Secretary after 3 years and Stephanie Tatman to step down as co-secretary. Nominated replacements are Nina Davison and Aly Gyoker. Unanimous vote for Nina and Ali.

Treasurer - remains as Mary Harvey. Lisa Tomkins has agreed to be an official signatory on the accounts

In line with the constitution we are setting up Co-opted Members Whatsapp group for voting on FOTS spend. This will be everyone who attended the meeting tonight and new members can be added at any time.

2. Christmas:

  • Reception have been nominated to take on the Christmas Fair moving forward each year. A “How to” guide is being compiled and will be added to welcome information each year. Event status as follows:

    • We’re back to running the event how things were pre-covid, in the school hall.

    • Kids now get a longer slot and the Y6s are able to take the reception kids again to help with their money.

    • Reception parents have to set-up everything. All the classes need to do is decorate the stall and get them manned.

    • Reminder of egg free cakes and no nuts! Whoever’s turn it is for cake stall that day will do the cakes at the fair.

    • Raffle - lots of good vouchers available. Need to send further comms to encourage sign-up (Sarah G happy to help with this). Noted this is the most profitable element of event so suggested using FOTS email comms to highlight prizes and drum up more sales and interest.

    • The school choir will sing after school. The school are confirming is we are allowed to sell non-alcoholic mulled wine. If allowed cups must have lids.

  • Trees - Agreed to buy new pre-lit trees and will “Freecyle” the two old trees we have as they are mangled and take too much volunteers time to put up. Budget £150 for both. Sarah Gilbert will source, Mary will purchase for delivery direct to school. Jemma plus one other DBS parent will put the tree up.

  • Christmas Lunch - Currently Jemma Meehan & Sarah Gilbert setting up for lunch on the 14th & 15th December. Jemma/Sarah to query with Holly Chaplin whether other parent volunteers need to be DBS checked to help with lunch set-up before we ask for more help.

  • Xmas card orders are in and raised £437 for the school

  • Father Christmas this year will be Gemma Henderson’s father-in-law. Chocolate Santa’s need purchasing or checking if any in-date ones are in the container (no nuts!) if not Reception class job to buy

3. AOB:

  • Mary to discuss with Tilly Harris if she will pick up the Bags2 School textile collection in 2023. Possible pick up date at the end of Jan.

  • Clothes donations - Why can’t we donate shoes and wellies? Someone to discuss with Jean. Although, there is a question around storage.

  • Next meeting will be scheduled towards the end of Jan 2023 to be able to plan ahead for future events.

  • Glow in the dark disco booked for Fri 13th Oct, 23. Rugby club and DJ booked. Deposit paid for DJ.

  • Alex C now in charge of School Fund and will review and re-request when possible.

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