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FOTS Meeting | Tuesday 18th October 2022, Trinity School

Chair Of FOTS


Nicola Nott

Jemma Meehan

Mary Harvey

Gemma Henderson

Sarah Gilbert

Gemma Grange

Louisa Jackey-Davis

Nina Davison

Jo Cole

Joey McGinn

Jo Evans (Head)

Holly Chaplin (Acting Deputy)


1. Treasurer's Report:

At the beginning of term the bank account was at £28,500. We've paid the commitments in the treasurer's report, taking the account down to £23,917

Halloween disco made around £2000, so we have approx bank balance of £26,000

All proposed spend was approved in the meeting (see treasurer's report) at £14,050

Annual commitments of £1,906

Balance after commitments circa £7,000

Commitments to consider for future:

  • School requesting annual commitment to buy playground toys of £500

  • School requesting annual commitment for educational workshops of £2000

  • Sarah Gilbert suggested we pledge money to help enhance topics. Holy to consider

  • Doodlemaths. School to trial Doodle English on a few students to see if the additional £1 on the license is worthwhile, possibly in replacement of Ed Shed for example.

  • Unlikely we will need an annual £500 commitment to Forest School ongoing (this was assigned for training teachers). Could this be used to clear/maintain pond and grounds?

  • FOTS to potentially fund equipment for lunchtime competitive activities eg: chess boards

2. Future Events:

  • General discussion around how to involve more parents in FOTS. Nicola needs to step down as chair and without her involvement things will likely grind to a halt.

  • Committee agreed that the Christmas Fair (next event) would be handed back to reception parents as a job.

  • School to send an email to all parents stating how valuable the FOTS funding and support is for the school and try to encourage engagement.

  • School to invite FOTS members to the Reception Welcome Meeting next year.

  • Try and reinstate reception class socials. Possibly one towards the end of this year?

  • Gemma Grange has agreed to become the new FOTS chair in November. Nina Davison is considering a co-chair role.

  • Gemma Henderson’s father in law signed up to be Father Christmas this year.

  • JM & SG to look after setting up for the Christmas lunches. JM to contact Jane Hendry regarding logistics, budgets and where she found sustainable crackers

  • GH to run a Cinema Night. If done at school it would require teacher help from a safeguarding POV to request to push to the new year. Alternative option would be to do it at the rugby club. A drop off event may be easier with TAs, if they would be happy to support (paid work).

  • Orlando Taylor has said he may look into another event like the cycle to Paris as a big fundraiser. Possibly slightly lower scale and more inclusive eg: a walk.

  • How to guides to be completed and filed for each event in G-Drive (JM to set-up a folder)

    • Christmas Fair, Camp Out, Sports Day - NN

    • Halloween Disco - GG/BW

    • Quiz Night - SG

    • Spring Sponsored Walk - GH

    • Ball - VH (NN to ask VH)

  • Should we send a link to parents to sign up for certain activities this year? Do we offer them choices 1,2,3?

3. AOB:

Discussion around moving the library to a different location in the school as it doesn't get used where it is. School considering a new location.


  • Someone to look into Henley Chess club to see if any volunteers willing to teach chess

  • GH or NN - investigate ways of using FaceBook for clothes/toys donations where money goes straight to FOTS

  • MH to look into setting up a seaport PAYPAL account

  • JM - enquire with Jane Hendry about the reinstating the truck collections for old textiles and about budget required for Christmas lunches

  • MH - to look into whether she can get cheaper Christmas crackers through her work

4. Date for next meeting - Not discussed. Next meeting is AGM



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