Nicola Nott
Jemma Meehan
Mary Harvey
Gemma Henderson
Sarah Gilbert
Gemma Grange
Louisa Jackey-Davis
Nina Davison
Jo Cole
Joey McGinn
Jo Evans (Head)
Holly Chaplin (Acting Deputy)
1. Treasurer's Report:
At the beginning of term the bank account was at £28,500. We've paid the commitments in the treasurer's report, taking the account down to £23,917
Halloween disco made around £2000, so we have approx bank balance of £26,000
All proposed spend was approved in the meeting (see treasurer's report) at £14,050
Annual commitments of £1,906
Balance after commitments circa £7,000
Commitments to consider for future:
School requesting annual commitment to buy playground toys of £500
School requesting annual commitment for educational workshops of £2000
Sarah Gilbert suggested we pledge money to help enhance topics. Holy to consider
Doodlemaths. School to trial Doodle English on a few students to see if the additional £1 on the license is worthwhile, possibly in replacement of Ed Shed for example.
Unlikely we will need an annual £500 commitment to Forest School ongoing (this was assigned for training teachers). Could this be used to clear/maintain pond and grounds?
FOTS to potentially fund equipment for lunchtime competitive activities eg: chess boards
2. Future Events:
General discussion around how to involve more parents in FOTS. Nicola needs to step down as chair and without her involvement things will likely grind to a halt.
Committee agreed that the Christmas Fair (next event) would be handed back to reception parents as a job.
School to send an email to all parents stating how valuable the FOTS funding and support is for the school and try to encourage engagement.
School to invite FOTS members to the Reception Welcome Meeting next year.
Try and reinstate reception class socials. Possibly one towards the end of this year?
Gemma Grange has agreed to become the new FOTS chair in November. Nina Davison is considering a co-chair role.
Gemma Henderson’s father in law signed up to be Father Christmas this year.
JM & SG to look after setting up for the Christmas lunches. JM to contact Jane Hendry regarding logistics, budgets and where she found sustainable crackers
GH to run a Cinema Night. If done at school it would require teacher help from a safeguarding POV to request to push to the new year. Alternative option would be to do it at the rugby club. A drop off event may be easier with TAs, if they would be happy to support (paid work).
Orlando Taylor has said he may look into another event like the cycle to Paris as a big fundraiser. Possibly slightly lower scale and more inclusive eg: a walk.
How to guides to be completed and filed for each event in G-Drive (JM to set-up a folder)
Christmas Fair, Camp Out, Sports Day - NN
Halloween Disco - GG/BW
Quiz Night - SG
Spring Sponsored Walk - GH
Ball - VH (NN to ask VH)
Should we send a link to parents to sign up for certain activities this year? Do we offer them choices 1,2,3?
3. AOB:
Discussion around moving the library to a different location in the school as it doesn't get used where it is. School considering a new location.
Someone to look into Henley Chess club to see if any volunteers willing to teach chess
GH or NN - investigate ways of using FaceBook for clothes/toys donations where money goes straight to FOTS
MH to look into setting up a seaport PAYPAL account
JM - enquire with Jane Hendry about the reinstating the truck collections for old textiles and about budget required for Christmas lunches
MH - to look into whether she can get cheaper Christmas crackers through her work
4. Date for next meeting - Not discussed. Next meeting is AGM