FOTS AGM | 27th November 2019
Peter Moody
Nicola Nott
Jules Campbell
Jules McLean
Lizzie Hughes
Jo Cole
Graeme Gilbert
Lisa Tomkins
Jane Hendry
Jemma Meehan
AGM Rules & Posts
Signing-off accounts
Ball run-down
Premises Committee
AGM Rules & Posts:
Jo stepping down as co-chair
Need 6 members on charity committee (NB committee members can only stay in role for 3 years)
ANY parent at any time is welcomed to the AGM anyone with any engagement with FOTS forms part of the committee
Posts from 27.11.19
Co-chair – Graeme & Nicola
Treasurers – Jules M remains
Secretary – co-chair Jemma Meehan & Jules Campbell
Marketing - Lizzie Hughes (website, emails, relationship management with sponsors & parents, heart of community)
Discussed ways in which we can engage the parent and town community more to attend AGM and join in with FOTS in general:
Invite class reps to join Slack so they have closer knowledge of AGM discussions/actions and can filter out to parent community
Parent questionnaires/polls for decisions/ shout-out for advice to support FOTS/school via FOTS social media
Annual Accounts/ Accounting AOB:
Lisa Tomkins to take over from Shona, signing off the accounts
Accounts now set-up as ‘cash’ accounting
Accounts have formally been signed off
Switched bank accounts and we can now make BACS payments
School fund – FOTS will take payments and process to the school via PayPal. Parents will be able to claim gift aid if processed via FOTS (letter to parents imminent)
Expenses – online form for electronic payments. Jules to pay via backs
Agree to continue Year 6 year books annually
Publicise company matching schemes to parents who are able to raise extra funding through their work
Ball Summary:
Very successful night
Indication of £7k profit to school approx.
Remaining prizes that didn’t sell from the Ball – to be auctioned at the Quizz
As per previous meeting/ meeting with Beatrice, Headmistress:
Classroom pledges - £200 each class all set up
DBS checks - £500 not needed (not a money issue)
Forest School - £500 p/a (still requires a sign off process)
Activities £1500 per year – potential rowers into to talk/ kids rowing outing
Class school trips – tbc for school meeting on Monday (must be all inclusive) – funding not decided till after the school meeting
Children’s Mindfulness and Well Being Week – Pete Moody requested £500 per term which involves all students and teachers (separate funding request)
Support Arts/Music/Sport – Pete Moody to discuss & price up options
Recycling bins £1000 approved to spend on bins – problematic b/c of the end destination, Jules. Jules has been tasked to look into making this viable.
Teracycle option – school gets money for the amount of waste produced/handed in. Could it become a part of the community as a central drop off point? Jane Hendry to also look into this as a potential. Speak to a school who’s already achieved this? Sonning Common Primary…
Henley Literary Festival – Trinity kids to be a part of 2020
Library £1000 approved to spend on new books
The FOTS Work Bee – parents come in twice a year for a day/afternoon to help out painting the school/general maintenance and FOTS provides a BBQ and drinks and games for the kids as childcare whilst parents work on the school grounds. FOTS would like this to become a parental expectation (voluntary). A push to create more of a parental community around the school – clear roles of what needs to be done, a priority list, set out a month in advance so FOTs can order/provide the needed equipment. First one – February/June – dependant on the jobs needed to be done.
Phase TWO of Forest School – time to open up the Forest School area and pond (risk assessment needs to be done first)
Kids in the older years using the Forest School: Pete Moody answered; this will happen, need to organise with Bea (HM);
Kids to start cooking classes, using the ovens in the science lab – Pete Moody will bring it up in school meeting
Relationship between Trinity School and Trinity Pre-School needs to be more open and reaffirmed.
Premises Committee – topics discussed with Nicola:
Jill the Chef has been putting in planters and would like plants and soil for these and has requested £100; FOTS approved this.
Scooter Park – failure of communication; conclusion is another concrete area is to be put in and the existing bike rack will be moved there and additional scooter park pods will be added. Engage the school and parents on this decision to improve capacity? Engage them through Facebook/FOTs email?
What would the parents like to see in the Welcome area at Trinity? Engage the parents and community on this decision. Look for a parent who’s a landscape gardener and approach them for their opinion/idea.
Putting plants or something up against the fence?
Trinity School – disabled access; a survey needs to be done and a local authority to issue grant funding this and then need to sort it out disabled access; work with Alex and assist him in chasing this to be done.
Telephones – school needs a new phone system. Ask parent community if anyone is able to offer advice
PTA Magazine - £50 magazine subscription; a general interest of actively opting in the school parents and engaging them (working around GDPR)
Approaching the parents and asking who has what skill sets that we could utilise towards benefitting Trinity – via the Facebook group – ask the question. Lizzie.
Electrical repairs
Parking spaces – creating more by clearing space
Rats – minor issue, one spotted.
Christmas Bazaar – all in hand with Jo.
Santa going around the classes – Jo arranging.
Christmas lunches – FOTs team to lay the tables with balloons and crackers; Thursday & Friday 12th & 13th Dec needs two FOTs volunteers to cover the tables – take 30mins. Jane Hendry, Lisa (both days), Jemma (Friday) Bea (Thursday)
Camp out booked with Nettlebed; Nicola to send the deposit. Booked 18th/19th July.
Add to diary dates needed:
Quiz – Friday, 7th February at Trinity
Sponsored walk – Marlow to Henley – start of May
Cycle to Bruges 15th-17th May
next FOTs meeting will be held on Wed 29th January 2020
Christmas Trees to be put up – Jo & Rhian to put the trees up before the Bazaar; OK to do this Saturday morning at 9:30am. Bea & Rob can help; Pete Moody to open the school.
Tree 1 - Reception
Tree 2 - Main hall
Tree 3 - By the kitchen and other hallway
Remaining prizes that didn’t sell from the Ball
Next AGM scheduled for Wednesday 29th January. 8pm at the School.