Time: 7pm
Attendees - 9
Welcome any new attendees: invite anyone to volunteer for Secretary position (Graeme)
Finance update and banking setup, (Julian) this can include update on school pledges, cookers, audio equipment, lower playground/scooter/bike rack, any other committed expenditure.e.g £500 per term for getting external provider in per term. (Julian/Jo/Pete)
Debrief on School Easter Bingo event (Jo)
Thoughts on request to have a stand at May Fayre (Graeme).
Joseph sent email in relation to having signs outside properties promoting May Fayre. (Joseph, any update)
Update on School website launch (Nicola)
Next Events planned for this yearSchool Sports day (July), agreed it is to be a Friday, get confirmation of date. (Pete)
Update on Trinity Camp out proposal (Nicola)
Concert proposal - Ceri Ann(Reception mum)
Kids Cross Country event update (Graeme)
Potential Circus/October School disco update?
Pete can we request Headteacher provides an audit of forest school and Science lab usage
Any feedback on Ukuleles and how they are being used.
Could we get pictures for the website of Ukuleles class, I-pad’s usage in reception