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Minutes for FOTs Meeting Thursday 10th October 2019


Minutes for FOTs Meeting

Thursday 10th October 2019


Graeme Gilbert Sarah GilbertNicola Nott Jules Maclean Louise Jones Susan Mcguinness Jo Cole Jules Campbell

Opening: Welcome to new comers, introductions and who’s who.

Apologies from approx 5 usual FOTs attendees.


This term; two main events; FOTS Christmas Ball (adults event), Friday 22nd Nov and Christmas Bizarre 6th Dec (kids’ event). Bags to School, 3rd December.

2. Update on Christmas Ball; sold 69 tickets (150 capacity; aiming for 100); £55 per ticket.

Venue, DJ and artworks for posters done.

Auction; 3/4 big things and then smaller items pulled together in the silent auction on the table.

Selection of confirmed prizes (for full list, refer to Sarah Gilbert’s list);

Hart St- dinner for 4Dorata - cut & style x2Henley Hawks ticketsHDV tea for fourHenley Scan R&R admission ticketsPilates classesSpoon lunch Limited edition whiskey (Diageo) Nikki Schaefer - interiors consultationKatherine Atkin - Aerin’s Dance School George Hyde - Fireman party experienceNicola Nott - sewing Childs labelsGB Rowing signed shirt & rowing session with a current olympian

Alan Campbell and Lizzi Darcy - auctioneers for the top five auctions.

Costs - Nott has a spreadsheet; circulate to Jules (treasurer) and FOTS.

Wine - bottle bar; wine will be on sale or return basis with Menza.

Clear up - Menza to do main clearing; we have to clear up the decorations by 11am on Saturday.

After all expenses, £8 per head profit plus the money raised from the Auction.

3. Christmas Bizarre - to be organised by Reception, Jo Cole to organise an initial meeting and guide the Reception mums to arrange; 6th December.

4. Copas Turkeys - it was noted that Gilby got whiplash from Nott’s efficiency at the turkey ordering, pre-approved. FOTs get £10 for every turkey. Nott is on it. (11 turkeys need to be sold otherwise its £5 a turkey).

5. Chiltern Challenge - The Chiltern Centre has contacted Sarah through CD, May 2020; challenge trek in Petra, Jordan. No risk to FOTs; %age of funds raised to got to FOTs (reciprocated from the FOTs Cycle to Paris).

6. Cerys 3 Minute Rock Star Karaoke - cost £300, held at school, curry & karaoke. Question of when - later on in Easter term…? Gilbert suggested aiming back at the kids as per last years success. Cerys to organise it all.

7. FOTS Quiz; Friday 7th February. Jane Hendry quiz questions. Gilbert to compare.

8. Calendar;

Christmas Ball - 22nd NovemberFashion Show - 22nd NovemberBags to School Collection - 3rd December Christmas Bizarre - 6th DecemberQuiz Night - 7th FebruaryThe Eggcellent Easter Eggstravaganza - 28th March Cerys singing night - April/MaySports Day - end of June/beginning of JulyCamp out - 18th July

9. Camp Out - Nettlebed Walled Garden, 36 tent plots, 18th July. Nott to book & deposit.

10. Bike Ride - Tom Potter to organise from Henely to Bruges. Chiltern Centre, FOTs and other schools will be included this year. Each individual pays their own cost and all money raised goes to Chiltern & FOTs, three potential dates; 16 May or 12 June or 26 June (ride will be two nights).

11. Sponsored walk for the children - along the river up to Marlow on the river. April/March.

12. Octoberfest 2020.

13. Trinity Pledge letter, school council is looking to send out to the parents to pledge a one off or standing order contribution in order to raise money for the school that is external to FOTs money raised. Running it through FOTs b/c we are a charity (tax free/ efficiency) and it will be spent by the school not FOTs.

14. Finances Update - Jules; spent £6k last year; end of August £29k in the bank; £1k of liabilities (cookers) so £28k.

Then take out for; AV systems £4k; Scooters £3k.

So £20k remaining in the bank unallocated.

15. Suggestion of DBS checks to be paid for so parents can go into assist and read to the kids. Pledge £500 for DBS checks for lower school parents. Gilby to email to the school approaching. Off piste noted.

16. Classroom pledges £200 per class, 11 classes £2,200. FOTs require each class to say what it was spent on. Time limit - must be spent by the end of December.

17. Re-approving £1500 a year for enrichment activities. Jolly Farmer/ Mad Scientist.

18. School trips funded by FOTs? Discussed, large expense. Fund specific enrichment trips - eg Recycling Centre; Art, Music. Outcome; FOTs to chat to the school about what the options are.

19. Year Six Year Books - FOTs to pledge £500.

20. Forest School - £500 pledged for upkeep.

21. Scooter pods; funds all paid. Not enough pods to go round now and teething issues; and it was mismanaged, the pods do not have to be set in concrete and the space has been restricted. The scooter pods are not that expensive £300 per pod (the scooter only pods). Add more pods over by reception fence that leads down to the unused gate. Gilbert has asked what the school has paid; initial cost. Depending on this, if they have underspent then it is under previous approval to buy another two scatter pods (adding another 24 scooters to park).

22. Trinity has no current recycling facility (including the kitchen); FOTs to provide recycling bins, trip to the recycling centre to teach the kids. Launch an eco-council. For the whole school. Ask parents to help fund this project. Talk to Sabrina, ask her to price it up. FOTS Approve £1000 for bins. Encourage Trinity to see what funding they could apply for as well to help themselves.

23. School library - no more money from FOTs till there is more use from the kids. More reference books for the classrooms, with more relevance? FOTs Approve £1000. Ask Sabrina what’s needed.

24. Painting the classrooms; painting party? Start a working bee? Trinity to organise what they actually want done and pass over a list of jobs to do. Looking at minimum costs of £1000 for food and drink and then equipment on top. Twice a year. Initially one this year. Suggest back to Sabrina.

25. Astroturf the remaining area, FOTs has decided not to spend it on this for now.

26. Sports - more sport, more clubs within school hours.

Ask Trinity if we can spend money on sport, art, experiences. Why weren’t we involved in Henley Literature Festival.

27. Christmas Bizarre raffle tickets; the promoter has to have a gambling license; we need to find out who’s name is on the license number.

Next FOTS meeting Monday 2nd December

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