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Chair Of FOTS

October FOTS Meeting

Zoom Recording of the meeting.



Present at Meeting:

Nics Nott; Graham Gilbert; Lizzy Hughes; Julian Mclean; Jules Campbell; Jemma Meehan; Angela Lee; David Masters; Victoria Harding; Antonia; Debbie Pattison; Gemma Grange; Mark Rowe; Mary Paul Harvey; Katy Williams; Tilly Harris; Steph Tatman; Mark Mcginn

· Treasurer’s Report from Julian Mclean; summary.

Run annual accounts with the school year 31st August to 1st September. Raise an average of £20k to £40k a year; everything we raise we try to spend on the school. Accounts closed on 31st August at; fundraising stopped at March due to Covid; accounts to be discussed at AGM in further detail. Of £34k in the account, £5k coming out straight away this term for EYFS & bike pods. Still waiting to hear back from Shona to review the accounts, GG spoke to Lisa Tompkins to review them year after Shona. Jemma Meehan to send declaration post AGM – Julian to give Jemma the numbers.

· Projects presented by Nicola Nott, Chair

EYFS £1200 spent on rugs and other bits of furniture for their kitchen area. Container is done, we need shelving for it; cost slightly more than initially anticipated. School wants to store some furniture in it as well as 2nd hand uniforms, and other FOTS props & bits.

FOTS pledged £10k committed to improve the scooter area plus £2k for the bike pods area. £1500 pledged to the Henley Literary Festival. Mrs Bradbury’s friend kindly donated £50 to FOTS as a thank you to her for helping out during lock down.

£5k had been pledged for the Working Bee – could we work on the Year 6 area break out rooms?

Miss Newman has requested £300 for a spelling program, an annual cost – Spelling Shed for the whole school to use? APPROVED BY FOTS AT MEETING.

Also new dictionaries and thesaurus’s for the children?

FOTS have requested a list of “To Do’s” for the school along with costs and FOTS can them approve; we can help Part-Fun school maintenance, but FOTS are not responsible for the schools maintenance.

£1000 spent on new books for the library – new books currently not in the library; FOTS donated these for the whole school to use. FOTS requested these be returned to the library & not kept in one classroom.

PE Equipment list to be created by David Masters & then approved by FOTS.

· FOTS Sponsorship

Lizzy & Nicola reaching out to local businesses for sponsorship of Trinity. They have devised a X3 tier options; Headline Sponsor £500 per year; Key Partner £350 per year; Supporter £100 per year. Penny Sinclair remains a huge support of FOTS - £1200 p/a. Jemma to follow up with Menza Café. Angela Lee approached Gabriel Machin, they are a Key Partner donating £350.

· Fundraising Ideas

o Trinity Cookbook; Angela Lee & Iona Hoyle currently editing.

o Glow in the Dark Disco; David Masters & Jemma Meehan – could it be done by bubble and phase? FOTS Helpers in PPE to Chaperone. Held in the hall. Two phases over two nights – First at 4:30pm to 6pm KS1; wipe down and then Second at 7pm to 8:30pm. Clean up of surfaces touched & bathrooms. Date options; Thurs 5th Nov & Friday 6th Nov? or Friday 13th Nov? £5 per ticket. Each kid gets a glow in dark stick, one drink and a bag of sweets.

o Christmas Fair – potentially cancelled in current covid climate. David Masters to review. FOTS meeting in November to discuss the reality of this event.

o Christmas Cards; APFS doing the cards (via Steph, her last year to be taken over by Gemma Grange after). New process in place- kids will design their cards; parents order the cards; then kids take the cards into school to be scanned. (raised £426 last year).

o Christmas Tea towels: Victoria Harding to run. Kids to do a self-portrait and the class has one tea towel. Perfect Christmas presents. Victoria needs help on the weekend of 7th/8th Nov to collate each class portrait. Gemma Grange & Mary Harvey to help Victoria. Four-week lead time. Tea towels to be done by year group. Victoria to look into the payment method & pricing.

o Christmas options in place of no 2020 Christmas Fair, to help the kids celebrate Christmas:

§ Christmas Party Box for each classroom

§ In class party games

§ Christmas Hampers

§ Christmas Raffle

o Children’s Challenge – email sent out too late. Potential loss of earnings as FOTS could have promoted this further to gain more traction.

· Birthdays – Angela requested if its possible to bring back bringing in mini packets of sweets for their class members. David Masters replied to move away from this to promote a healthier image on the school & the kids can wear their home clothes on their birthday to stand out and feel special.

· Second Hand Uniform Sale – Angela to arrange a date for this. Lizzy will then promote it on Social Media. Lizzy to send out an email requesting donations for this.

· Sustainability Team – working with the Governors.

o Lunches are now in cardboard boxes for temporary measures, this is creating so much waste and is not being recycled. These are being phased out and Key Stage 1 is now back in the hall for lunches, older years to follow suit shortly. Request for normal cutlery to be used (to create less waste during this time).

o Paper recycling bins have been set up within the class rooms.


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