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June 2021 FOTS Meeting

Chair Of FOTS

15th June 2021


Julia Stow

Caroline Newman

Nicola Nott

Lizzie Hughes

Julian McLean

Steph Tatman

Angela Lee

Rachel Clark

Angela Talbot

Apologies received:

Jemma Durrant

1. Camp out, Nettlebed school, 17th July – cancelled

Nettlebed school have offered a plan B - to hold camp out on 24th July (during school hols)

Need to gauge interest from ticket holders – NN will send out an email

Also how many people willing to volunteer with;

- organisation of events; bouncy castle, tug of war, bonfire...

- food & alcohol order

- set up (from 12noon)

2. Sports day

Info from Dept. for Education being considered

Decision on spectators pending

After party most likely cancelled


- could we still have a few stalls (like at Christmas Fair)?

- could races be recorded to share with parents?

- instead of house colour tents (see below) could we have coloured flags or helium balloons?

3. Sports day tents (in the 4x house colours)

Were damaged by the elements and disposed of over the winter

Purchased from Gala tents; 3x6m (£2,200)

Insufficient funds to replace these at present

JS to see if would be covered by insurance

Alternative is smaller/cheaper tents i.e. 3x3m (£179)

4. How to sprinkle some joy into the end of term

- ice cream to classrooms?

- Dan Dan the Skipping Man (£1,200)

- Ice cream van for Y6 leavers assembly (on astro)

- suggestions welcome

5. Creative fundraising ideas for next year

- art competition

- sensory garden design competition (see below)

- recipe book (currently on hold)

- cycle to Bruges (hopefully Spring 2022)

- suggestions welcome

6. Money - funds are low

In the bank: £16,800

Committed spend: £2,000-4,000

Amount left for next year: £12,000-14,000

Annual regular commitments: approx. £6,000 (for example; classroom pledges, leavers books, external

learning providers, Henley Literary Festival)

7. Books

£1,000 pledged, £700 spent

New books have arrived

Each classroom has a dedicated author – plan to order more books by these authors

Thank you Lora (librarian)

8. Online learning tools

£500 pledged, £200 spent (Online Learning Shed)

9. Netball nets

Ordered – where are they?

JS to chase this up

10. Playground line painting

Decided against 10y thermoplastic option (£2,000)

Elect annual repainting (£200/y) to be paid for out of school’s annual maintenance fund

JS to look into this being carried out over the summer hols

11. Pond area

Please let FOTS know when parents can come to clear the overgrown area

Proposed; 2-3 evenings midweek before the end of term

Either pay for a skip or Richard (groundsman) could remove debris

12. Sensory garden

Funding through WPA (health ins provider) benevolent fund (contact Cora)

Location; opposite scooter park, within parameters of existing path

To include; raised beds, sounds, flowers, disabled access...

CN to discuss with Miss Chaplin (SEN leader)

Need to create a CAD model and send a proposal to Cora for approval

Plan to involve children in the design & planting

Q - Do we have any landscape gardeners amongst parents?

13. Focus for next year

Mrs Melero – would like to focus on IT

14. More play equipment for the older years

Pirate ship only used by the younger years

Consider climbing frame, skipping ropes, more balls?

Mrs Evans has done a great job organising all the equipment in the storage container (thank you)

15. New FOTS Representative

Caroline Newman – thank you

16. Requesting FOTS funding

Need to ensure all requests go via Julia Stow to ensure money is shared fairly between teachers/classrooms

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