Tuesday 4th June 2019 - HOFS.
Olivia Kaye
Nicola Nott
Jo Cole
Monique Buttman
Adie Emanuel
Julian McClean

Money’s spent
Class room pledges - all spent
ipads for the foundation classes ordered
Halls AV System £4590 spent (£4000 pledged)
Science lab cookers - these have been ordered £1485 and will be installed after half term
Outdoor reading circle - matched money raised to be paid. £216.20
External education providers - tbc
Scooter racks - we have pledged tbc £2k Jo to work out space and what to order.
Library door not happening due to structural reasons. Existing door to be used.
Sports Day Organisation
Chart of classroom involvement to be sent out by Jo Cole.
Sponsorship or raffle prizes -Decathlon / sports direct? Prizes for raffle or just money??
Alcohol Licence - Nicola
Hire Bouncy Castle - Jo
Booker drinks / tuck shop / ice creams / sweets - Nicola plus 1 (secure fridge space in kitchen)
Posters / decorations - Nicola
Cups/Plates - Vegware - Nicola
Health and safety forms - Jo Cole.
Bins for recycling